Protective efficacy of recombinant proteins AMA1 and IMP1 in rabbits infected with Eimeria intestinalis

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Protective efficacy of recombinant proteins AMA1 and IMP1 in rabbits infected with Eimeria intestinalis

Jie Xiao, Wei He, Changming Xiong, Ge Hao, Jiayan Pu, Hao Chen, Liwen Xu, Yuhua Zhua, Yongjun Ren, Guangyou Yang


Eimeria intestinalis is one of the most pathogenic rabbit coccidia species causing severe intestinal damage and increased risk of secondary infection from opportunistic pathogens, which results in huge economic losses to the rabbit industry. Anticoccidial drugs are currently the main method to control coccidiosis; however, increasing resistance and drug residues have fueled research on anticoccidial vaccines. Apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1) and immune mapped protein 1 (IMP1), as surface proteins, are associated with host invasion and might have the potential as candidate vaccine antigens. In the present study, recombinant IMP1 (rEiIMP1) and AMA1 (rEiAMA1) from E. intestinalis were expressed using Escherichia coli BL21. The immunoreactivity and immunoprotective effects of rEiIMP1 and rEiAMA1 were then analyzed. Fifty rabbits were grouped randomly (n = 10 per group): The unimmunized-unchallenged control group (sterilized phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)), the unimmunized- challenged control group (sterilized PBS), the vector protein-challenged control group (100 μg of pET-32a vector protein per rabbit), the rEiIMP1 immunized group (100 μg of rEiIMP1 per rabbit), and the rEiAMA1 immunized group (100 μg of rEiAMA1 per rabbit). After two immunizations, the rabbits were challenged with homologous oocysts (except for the unimmunized-unchallenged group). Serum specific antibody levels were assessed weekly throughout the experimental period; and the levels of different cytokines in the serum before the challenge were detected. The clinical symptoms, oocysts output, weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), and lesion scores were recorded after experimental infection, and the anticoccidial indexes (ACIs) were calculated. The results showed that both rEiIMP1 and rEiAMA1 had good immunoreactivity. Rabbits immunized with rEiIMP1 and rEiAMA1 displayed 66.74 % and 63.14 % oocyst reduction, respective land 81.79 % and 78.87 % body weight gain, respectively. The rEiIMP1 and rEiAMA1 groups had lower FCRs (3.77:1 and 4.06:1, respec- tively) and lesion scores (P = 0.00). The rEiIMP1 and rEiAMA1 showed moderate effects, with an ACI of 152.09 and 147.17, respectively. Immunization induced high levels of anti-rEiIMP1 and -rEiAMA1 antibodies. Rabbits immunized with rEiIMP1 and rEiAMA1 displayed significantly increased interleukin (IL)− 2 (P = 0.00), inter- feron gamma (IFN)− γ (P = 0.00), and IL− 4 (P = 0.00) levels. Therefore, this study provided potential candidate vaccine antigens for E. intestinalis.

Keywords: Rabbit; Eimeria intestinalis; Recombinant protein IMP1; AMA1; Protective efficacy

Citation: Xiao J, He W, Xiong C, et al. Protective efficacy of recombinant proteins AMA1 and IMP1 in rabbits infected with Eimeria intestinalis[J]. Veterinary Parasitology, 2023, 320: 109985. 

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