Beauveria bassianais a potential effective biological agent
againstPsoroptes ovisvar.cuniculimites
An Jiang, Yuan Yuan, Rui Yang, Na Zhang, Yue Xie, Weiming Lai, Xuerong Peng,
Guangyou Yang, Xiaobin Gu

Beauveria bassianais an entomopathogenic fungus known for its high efficacy against many agricultural insect pests, and is considered to be safe to the environment. Previous studies showed thatB. bassianais also capable of infection and horizontal transmission betweenPsoroptes ovismites, but we still lack information on the clinical efficacy ofB. bassianaagainstP. ovis. In this study, we evaluated the acaricidal efficacy ofB. bassianaagainstPsoroptes ovisvar.cuniculi, bothin vitroandin vivo. Tests consistently showed thatB. bassianacaused high mortality againstP. ovisvar.cuniculiin vitrowith dose- and time-dependent susceptibility responses; applying 4.26 × 109 conidia/ml resulted in 100% mortality ofP. ovisvar.cuniculiwithin 9 days with an LT50 of 2.50.In vivo, rabbits infected withP. ovisvar.cuniculithat were treated with 4.26 × 109 conidia/mlB. bassianafungal suspension showed a 100% therapeutic response 3 days later, an efficacy greater than that of the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin. Moreover, no rabbits treated withB. bassianashowed symptoms of disease recurrence by 60 days post-treatment. Taken together, these results show thatB. bassianahas high efficacy againstP. ovisvar.cuniculi; hence, it may be a potentially effective biological insecticide for use against psoroptic mange.
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Biological Control 131 (2019) 43–48. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2019.01.010
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