[9] Echinococcus canadensis G8 Tapeworm Infection in a Sheep, China, 2018

Click:2019-06-26 10:44:59 

Echinococcus canadensis G8 Tapeworm Infection in a Sheep, China, 2018

Ruiqi Hua, Yue Xie, Hongyu Song, Yuan Shi, Jiafei Zhan, Maodi Wu,

Xiaobin Gu, Xuerong Peng, and Guangyou Yang


We report a sheep infected withEchinococcus canadensisG8 tapeworm in China in 2018. This pathogen was previously detected in moose, elk, muskox, and mule deer in Europe and North America; our findings suggest a wider host range and geographic distribution. Surveillance for the G8 tapeworm should be conducted in China.

Emerg Infect Dis. 2019;25(7):1420-1422. doi:10.3201/eid2507.181585

Read Full Text: https://doi.org/10.3201/eid2507.181585