[6] Comparative Efficacy of Ivermectin and Levamisole for Reduction of Migrating and Encapsulated Larvae of Baylisascaris transfuga in Mice

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Comparative Efficacy of Ivermectin and Levamisole for Reduction of Migrating and Encapsulated Larvae ofBaylisascaris transfugain Mice

Fu Y, Nie HM, Niu LL, Xie Y, Deng JB, Wang Q, Yang GY, Gu XB, Wang SX.


Thecomparativeefficacyof 2 anthelmintics (ivermectinandlevamisole) againstBaylisascaristransfugamigratingandencapsulatedlarvaewas studied inmice. A total of 60 BALB/cmiceinoculated each with about 1,000 embryonated B.transfugaeggs were equally divided into 6 groups (A-F) randomly.Miceof groups A and B were treated withivermectinandlevamisole, respectively, on day 3 post-infection (PI).Miceof groups A-C were killed on day 13 PI. Similarly, groups D and E were treated withivermectinandlevamisole, respectively, on day 14 PI, and allmiceof groups D-F were treated on day 24 PI. The groups C and F were controls. Microexamination was conducted to count thelarvaerecovering from each mouse. The percentages ofreductionin the number ofmigratinglarvaerecovered from group A (ivermectin) and B (levamisole) were 88.3% and 81.1%, respectively. In addition, thereductioninencapsulatedlarvaecounts achieved byivermectin(group D) andlevamisole(group E) was 75.0% and 49.2%, respectively. The results suggested that, to a certain extent, both anthelmintics appeared to be more effective againstmigratinglarvaethanencapsulatedlarvae. However, in the incipient stage of infection,ivermectinmay be more competent thanlevamisoleas a larvicidal drug forB.transfuga.

Copyright © 2011, Korean Society for Parasitology

Korean JParasitol.2011 Jun;49(2):145-51. doi: 10.3347/kjp.2011.49.2.145. Epub 2011 Jun 14.

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