[13] Cloning, expression and evaluation of the efficacy of a recombinant Haemaphysalis concinna Hc-23 antigen in rabbits

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Cloning, expression and evaluation of the efficacy of a recombinantHaemaphysalis concinnaHc-23 antigen in rabbits

Bian Y, Chen W, Yang G, Gu X, Wang S, Sun J, Li K, Wei H.


Haemaphysalisconcinnais wide spread in China, and negatively impacted on husbandry production and then resulted in severe economic losses. Methods available for the control of ticks are mainly based on chemotherapy. However, this approach is associated with a number of disadvantages; searching for alternative tick control measures is necessary and vaccination is one of the best control strategies. ThroughH.concinnaHc-23gene PCR amplification,cloningand sequencing, sequence analysis showed thatHc-23genes could be amplified in nymphal, larvae and adult ticks. BLAST analysis suggested thatHc-23gene was 99.83% homology with P27/30 of Chinese strainsH. longicornis, and 99.67% with Japanese strains, but 88.06% with Rhipicephalus tick troponin I gene. TherecombinantHc23 expressed in BL21(DE3) with Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) was used to immunize 6rabbits, then another 6 were immunized with PBS and 6 with control FCA (as control) were challenge-infested with ticks at different developmental stages of the same specie. The result showed that ticks that fed on rHc23-immunizedrabbitswere observed to feed longer compared to the control (P ≤ 0.05), the engorged body weights of ticks feeding on rHc23-immunizedrabbitswere lighter than the control (P ≤ 0.05), and an apparent reduction in laying amount was observed for adult ticks fed on rHc23-immunizedrabbits(P ≤ 0.05). These results demonstrated that theHc-23protein might be a useful vaccine candidateantigenfor biological control of ticks.

Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Vaccine.2011 Jan 29;29(5):1041-4. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.11.062. Epub 2010 Dec 2.

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